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Important role in the perception of food is its taste characteristics. In a normal healthy body appetite, focused on taste, specifies what foods and nutrients needed by the body, i.e. a healthy body feels more delicious products that contain he needed nutrients. The phrase "healthy body" is important, because if a person only wants meat, or sweet rolls, it is likely that the organism is sick and needs cleansing. Larger share of the energy the brain receives through the sense of taste. Taste affects not only human emotions, but also on its physical condition. Basic taste components: sweet, sour, salty,...

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Cooking and the process of its reception is a magic ceremony, during which food transformirovalsya in strength, health, love and light. Cooking and saturating it with energy, focus on the fact that it is delicious and healthy, easy to digest and gives strength for creativity and health. During the cooking process say the following phrase: "This food is strong and healthy"; "he that eats this food will gain peace of mind, good mood and health," then, simultaneously performing over the food passes hands, imagine that the palms emit sunlight. Cooking and setting the table, avoid the noise and rattling, irritating...

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Green peas, green beans and beans not fully ripe, can be attributed to the green vegetables. When beans are ripe, their seeds nutritional value are closer to the seeds of cereals. Hence, the more accurate their name – bean vegetables. In our country, they are mainly represented by peas, beans, beans, soy, lentils. Mature their grains have a high content of protein – legumina, 70% of which absorbed by the human body. Many of them contain up to 50% carbohydrates. Peas. Green peas contain many proteins, carbohydrates, and micronutrients. Ordinary pea can be compared to a multivitamin pill in which...

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