Leguminous vegetables, always helpful

Leguminous vegetables, always helpful

Green peas, green beans and beans not fully ripe, can be attributed to the green vegetables. When beans are ripe, their seeds nutritional value are closer to the seeds of cereals. Hence, the more accurate their name – bean vegetables. In our country, they are mainly represented by peas, beans, beans, soy, lentils. Mature their grains have a high content of protein – legumina, 70% of which absorbed by the human body. Many of them contain up to 50% carbohydrates.

Peas. Green peas contain many proteins, carbohydrates, and micronutrients. Ordinary pea can be compared to a multivitamin pill in which is assembled a natural complex of essential vitamins. The peas are very high in potassium. Sodium it is 140 times less. Therefore, pea has degidratatsii (diuretic) properties, effective in atherosclerosis, prevents obesity, as it has a lipolytic effect (breaks down fats), improves functioning of the muscles of the heart.

Beans, like all legumes, has a good collection of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and multivitamins. Improves intestinal motility, has diuretic properties, strengthens the pancreas, especially the green pods, as shown in diabetes. Green beans are also recommended for abrasions and poisoning.

Lentils strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, is indicated for gynecological disorders, cleanses respiratory tract of toxins.

Soy. Soybeans are in first place in nutrition among all legumes. The chemical composition of soy protein is similar to a human, allowing it to be absorbed several times better than an animal. It includes all so-called essential amino acids, which are believed to be not synthesized by the body. Unlike meat, soy contains no cholesterol. But it has a lot of unsaturated fatty acids (80 %), which the body needs. Digested soy protein is 18 times better than animal.

Soy contains a lot of natural food enzymes, therefore, promotes better digestion and other food. Stimulates the synthesis of insulin in diabetic patients. It is used to restore the intestinal flora with dysbiosis. It strengthens the liver and kidneys, which promotes the disintegration and removal of stones and is an obstacle to their education. Due to its medicinal properties, soy is indicated for cardiovascular disease, including atherosclerosis; obesity; stimulates motor function of the intestine; accelerates the recovery of the body after radiation (disappear the symptoms of anemia and leukemia, are restored to the hair, etc.); harmonizes the endocrine function, and women restores menstrual cycle dysfunction.

Calculation of the digestibility of soy protein 17 g of soy protein without the energy expenditure of the body 68 kcal (100 % ing absorption); on the digestion of protein, the body spends 20% of the energy, i.e. of 13.6 kcal.

68 kcal (100%) of 13.6 kcal (20 %) = 54,4 calories – amount of calories actually received by the body.

So, while consuming 17 g of vegetable protein contained in 100g of soy product, the body gets 54, 4 kcal.

Calculation of the digestibility of animal protein

18 g of animal protein without energy the body provide 72 kcal (100 % ing absorption); on the digestion of the body spends about 60 % of the energy, i.e. 43,2 kcal.

72 kcal (100 %) – 43,2 kcal (60 %) = 28,8 kcal – the amount of calories actually received by the body.

So, while consuming 18 g of animal protein contained in 100g of meat, the body gets 28,8 kcal.

The result shows that the digestibility of soy protein is almost 2 times higher than that of meat.