The taste of food determines everything

The taste of food determines everything

Important role in the perception of food is its taste characteristics. In a normal healthy body appetite, focused on taste, specifies what foods and nutrients needed by the body, i.e. a healthy body feels more delicious products that contain he needed nutrients. The phrase "healthy body" is important, because if a person only wants meat, or sweet rolls, it is likely that the organism is sick and needs cleansing.

Larger share of the energy the brain receives through the sense of taste. Taste affects not only human emotions, but also on its physical condition.

Basic taste components: sweet, sour, salty, pungent (hot), bitter, astringent. The food should contain tastes that stimulate the body (bitter, astringent), soothing him (sweet), digestion stimulating (spicy, sour, salty), and mutes it (bitter, astringent, sweet). In natural products, they always act in combination, i.e. simultaneously, there are several flavors. For example, if you feel acid product, so this taste prevails over the others, but if the taste of the food is difficult to determine, everything contained in it in equal proportions.

Each food has its own pattern taste. Simple food like white sugar, salt and vinegar have only one taste, the majority – more than one (e.g., lemon – sour, but at the same time too sweet and bitter).

Fruits are mainly sweet and astringent, and the citrus adds a sour taste.

Vegetables – mainly sweet and astringent, and leaf is added the bitterness.

Dairy – mostly sweet, and the yoghurt and cheese is added to sour and astringent taste.

Vegetable oil – mostly sweet.

Grains and seeds – mostly sweet.

Legumes – mainly sweet and astringent.

Spices and condiments – mostly spicy with secondary flavors. Spices complement the range of tastes and influence the whole range of responses of the body. Black pepper promotes the production of saliva, and fennel, in contrast, inhibits its secretion; mustard warms the body, and mint cools it.

Sweet foods – sugar, honey, rice, milk, cream, butter, pastry, bread. Its consumption increases heaviness, stability and physical energy, cools the body. Sweet foods soothes and relieves thirst and gives a rapid influx of positive energy; harmonizes all the senses; enhances perception. It is useful in diseases of the throat and lungs; improves vision, hair, skin functions; cleanses the blood and strengthens her education; has regenerative properties, accelerating the healing of wounds and fractures. Sweets contribute to the development of communication skills.

But a large amount of sweet has a destabilizing effect; blunts sensitivity; increases complacency, greed, sluggishness, drowsiness, mental dullness; causes inflammation of the mucous membranes; contributes to the appearance of excess weight; reduces will. Worsening of respiratory function, voice; worsen the asthmatic phenomena and inflammation, abrasions of the skin; increases goiter; reduced immunity and increased allergic readiness.

Sour foods – lemon, cheese, yogurt, tomatoes, grapes, plum and other acidic fruits, vinegar enhances the process of digestion and gives food a zest; strengthens the gastrointestinal tract; aggravates tactile sensitivity; burns excess fat; helps reduce body temperature in the heat. Acidic foods refreshing, but at the same time, increases thirst, which can lead to excess fluid in the body, adding body weight.

Acidic foods increases the ability to concentrate, wit and insight, strengthens the will, but the excess of it causes envy, resentment, discontent, dull, negativism. In addition, excessive use of sour causes heartburn, disruption of blood chemistry, skin irritation, dizziness, weakness of ligaments and muscles; the appearance of shallow scars and abscesses, poor healing of wounds and fractures; to the stagnation of blood and constipation in the intestines.

Salty foods – salt, tomatoes, olives, seaweed – quickens the process of digestion; makes the food more appealing; stimulates the appetite; stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juice. Salt is a powerful cleaner from the emotional and physical toxins. Salty food promotes the resorption of tumors and ulcers; antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action; it heats up the body; improves mood.

Increasing appetite, salty food makes me eat too much that leads to obesity and high blood and intracranial pressure. Excess salt leads to inflammatory changes, rashes, increased temperature; increased pain, itching, swelling; causes baldness, graying, wrinkles, loss of strength; causes thirst and congestion; hypertrophied selfish desires, making them immoderate and uncontrolled; preserves the long-standing negative emotions and toxins in the body.

Spicy food – acute and Cayenne pepper, onions and garlic, radish, ginger, etc. Spiciness accompanied by a burning sensation, dryness, thirst; warms the body; favors the elimination of fluid. Spicy food improves digestion; helps to eliminate toxins from the body; increases the secretion of sweat, mucus, tears of salt and blood; has a solvent, eroding properties; cleanses the blood vessels and tissue; treats edema, diseases of the respiratory tract; improves the condition of asthma patients; strengthens willpower, helping the concentration of forces in the body; develops the capacity for rapid response, determination, confidence; cleans clogged grease pores.

Excess acute causes thirst, dizziness, headaches, phenomenon, dystonia, anxiety, irritation, conflict, aggression; reduces the physical strength and stamina; promotes sluggishness, joint pain, the palpitations, the development of dysbiosis, dryness of mucous membranes; affects the voice.

Bitter food – bitter greens (endive, lettuce), bitter cucumber, lemon peel, spinach, most leafy vegetables, fennel, turmeric. The bitterness adjusts cravings for sweet, sour and spicy food; increases the appetite, awakening him, but not satisfying; stimulates digestion; burns excess fat; clears the blood and lymph, removing toxins and pus; has antibacterial and anthelmintic properties; helps the production of insulin; tones tissues; cools the body; improves mental ability and memory. Treats loss of voice and diseases of the breast. When in the body of accumulated toxins, there are inflammation, fever and itching, then the bitterness is considered the best corrective means (e.g., hin removes fever).

Excess bitter causes loss of appetite, weight gain, headaches, mood instability, development of suspiciousness, deterioration of the blood, dryness of skin and mucous membranes, increased thirst, imbalance of the cardiovascular system, dysbiosis with abundant gas formation, reduction of milk secretion in nursing mothers, the feeling of emptiness and weakness. Emotionally growing dissatisfaction.

Pungent foods beans, apples, pears, pomegranates, lentils, cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots. Astringent taste oily mouth. Is the alkaline taste, of equal strength, but opposite in action to the sour taste of lemons. Astringent soothes (potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables, a sense of satisfaction); dries and fixes, so it is useful for diarrhea; improves function of the skin; promotes tissue regeneration in case of bruises or other injuries; rejects necrotic tissue from ulcers and abscesses; is antiseptic; cools and causes contraction of the intrinsic muscles; terminates the provision of such fluids as sweat and tears.

The excess binder leads to constipation, dryness, thirst, flatulence; causes of pain in the heart and liver; strengthens the sclerosis of blood vessels; impairs the voice. In the mental plan increases passivity, fears, coldness, indifference, grumbling.

In the spring , it is recommended to eat less sour and more sweet, to stimulate the function of the spleen; in the summer – less bitter and more astringent to beneficial effects on the lungs; in the fall – less astringent, more acidic, which is useful for the gallbladder; winter – less salty, more bitter which strengthens the heart. And in the last week of every season you need to eat less sweets and more salty, in order to strengthen the kidneys. This diet recommends a Chinese doctor sun Yat-Simao.