The rules of cooking and eating

The rules of cooking and eating

Cooking and the process of its reception is a magic ceremony, during which food transformirovalsya in strength, health, love and light.

Cooking and saturating it with energy, focus on the fact that it is delicious and healthy, easy to digest and gives strength for creativity and health.

During the cooking process say the following phrase: "This food is strong and healthy"; "he that eats this food will gain peace of mind, good mood and health," then, simultaneously performing over the food passes hands, imagine that the palms emit sunlight.

Cooking and setting the table, avoid the noise and rattling, irritating space, not to mention the people. Silent, easy and joyful as in all the preparations to the meal – a sign of your caring for others and respect for them.

Before you sit down at the table, make sure the place not to get up from the table for the salt, the plug is also a sign of neglect and negligence that will affect other aspects of your life. Getting to the meal, focus on harmony with nature, with food, sending waves of love, gratitude and recognition. Then the elements of food will acquire the vibration, close your body, and will be better absorbed. In tune with you the food through the closed eyelids will appear a Golden glow. There is a need in silence or to soft music, focusing on the perception of all the taste components of food. Energy from food in the first place gets the brain through the perception of its taste. Probably, everyone felt that after the first SIPS, you receive a surge of strength and vigor, even though the food had not yet digested and not digested. In the oral cavity is the absorption of subtle flavor elements of the food and its emotional component.

It is also important to conduct a violent talking and gesticulating while eating. Control over speech and gesture contribute to orderliness in life. Chewing, experience contact with spirits of different elements, the elements of which are contained in food – spirits of earth, fire, sunlight, wind, water, stars, etc.

The earth through food sends power and confidence; the Sun is the divine Love and joy; the air – mind and easily; water – purity and flexibility; star – dream high resistance, etc. Merging with these forces during the meal, the person builds a strong healthy body and his energy body becomes strong and begins to Shine the Golden light of high frequency vibrations that prevent the processes of decay, fermentation, decomposition, ie sickness and death.

If you are anxious, sick, annoyed, or somewhere in a hurry, it is better not to sit down at a table. You can food to consolidate these States in the body that will lead to an increase in mistakes and stress in life. So shortly before a meal drink a glass of water, relax, dance, ie, bring yourself into a positive emotional state.

Eating while reading or watching TV, you have to remember that uncontrollably enter to humanoid programs, which can unexpectedly occur in your life.

After the meal, don't forget to thank the hostess, and in her face, and all the power that gave you energy in the form of food.

Dirty dishes after a meal always clear the table and wash, as it has the ability to store inharmonious energy.

Room for a table should be marked with honor and respect. The table is the hand of God, with which you take life in your body. Therefore, the table should not be nothing superfluous – it enhances the beauty and harmony of your home.